Document Request Form

Skip Trace Request Form

Investigation Request Form

Please be advised, Skip traces and Investigations can only be conducted adhereing strictly to Canadian Privacy Laws.
Base Fees***
For private clients fees start at $80.00 per individual served(includes preparation and commisioning affidavit of service) plus transportation** and $40.00 per attempt plus transportation* plus any other disbursments ie. wait time, communication, copies, postage***
Skip Trace
Costs are completely dependant on man hours and resources used. Costs range from $400.00 to $900.00(this will include Nationwide Searches). If we cannot locate them for some reason than costs are half of the fee. Turnaround time is 30 to 60 days on average(Rush requests are available). We can also search in the USA(extra cost). To begin, fill in the "Skip Trace Request Form" above and email to us and we will reply*****
With two operatives working in tandem we try to ensure multiple exits are covered and to rotate trail vehicles
$110.00/hr for 1st operative and $75.00/hr 2nd operative plus tansportation**, plus disbursements and video creation.***
*These prices are subject to change
**Transportation is billed at .50/km up to $0.70 depending on Gas Prices. $0.70 is if gas is over $2.00/litre
***For non corporate clients a retainer of approximately 50% of invoice will be required prior to work commencing
****Based on document being commissioned only and non corporate. (Notary Fees extra)
*****Due to Privacy Laws and other factors we reserve the right to refuse any assighnment